Who is the Ohr Chodosh looking for?
Ohr Chodosh is looking for talented individuals who:
Aspire to begin a career in community leadership within 5 years.
Candidates with and without children are accepted.
Have a strong learning background.
Are prepared for a rigorous program involving three sedarim each day, weekly tests in all areas, the regular delivery of chaburos, shimush talmidei chochomim, and Rabbanut Smicha examinations.
Are prepared to move to Yerushalayim before Rosh Chodesh Iyar.
Are the graduates of the program able to take positions in Eretz Israel, or would they be required to move to chutz l'aretz for a period of time?
Ohr Chodosh limits acceptance to candidates who aspire to take leadership positions in chu"l. We refer those interested in remaining in Eretz Yisreol to other rabbinical training institutions.
What does a typical learning schedule look like, concerning scope, speed, and range of topics?
9:30 AM - 1:00 PM halacha/preparation for Smicha examinations (equivalent of 1.5 daf of Shulchan Aruch/week); 2:00-5:30 PM Sha"s bekiyus, chinuch, sholom bayis, sifrei gadolei hamussar, and special courses. Night Seder: 2 hours minimum Sunday-Thursday, includes special courses, chazorah, and hachonah.
What obligations will my wife have to the program during the 5 year fellowship?
Ohr Chodosh wives are obligated to participate in special courses, which generally meet one night per week. Additionally, they are encouraged to participate in Ohr Chodosh Neshei activities.