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The Center for Kehilla Development was founded in Elul תשע"ג and is being led by Rabbi Leib Kelemen. The program’s goal is to cultivate leaders who – through their broad knowledge of Shas and poskim, their self-development and personal refinement, and their writing and speaking skills – will inspire and strengthen communities.



If you,

  • Aspire to begin a career in community leadership within 4 years

  • Have a strong learning background.

  • Are prepared to move to Yerushalayim

  • Are prepared for a rigorous program involving

    • Three sedarim a day

    • Weekly tests in all areas

    • Delivery of shiurim to chaverim in kollel and to people in the English-speaking community around Yerushalayim

    • Writing of articles on a variety of topics

    • Written and Oral Semicha examinations


The Center for Kehilla Development

"I am confident that with the help of the Almighty, the CKD will succeed in preparing G-d-fearing yungelite who will be great in Torah and will fulfill their missions faithfully"

Rav Shmuel Kamenetsky

Rosh HaYeshiva, Talmudical Yeshiva of Philadelphia

CKD is truly unique. I know of no other program in the Chareidi community that prepares its yungelite to be Rabbonim and leaders. I was a Maggid Shiur myself, educated in the normal Yehivishe system, and my Rabbanus came later as an after thought. This put me in a position of having to scramble to learn the special skill-set that is needed for of a Rov, a very different one that required a Maggid Shiur. From personal experience, I can say that the Kollel is providing an extremely important service to Klal Yisrael -- one that we will all see the benefits from, bsyata dishamya, in a short few years. I wish them continued berachah for hatzlachah! 

Rabbi Avrohom Neuberger

Rav of Shaarei Tefilla, New Hempstead

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"I spent three hours in the Kollel, and was deeply moved by the vision and leadership of Rabbi Kamenetsky and Rabbi Kelemen. The avreichim are broad minded men with considerable scholarship. The quality of my interactions with all of them and my exposure to the rigor of the Kollel's program left me with a strong belief in the value of the CKD and the bright futures of the leaders it is training and the communities they will serve."

Rav Ariel Shoshan

Founding Rabbi of Ahavas Torah, Scottsdale Arizona

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© 2023 by The Center For Kehilla Development

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